This week in school, we were to make a post about a story to break down.
Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he. He climbed up in a sycamore tree, for the lord he wanted to see, and as the savior walked by, he looked up in the tree. He said “Zacchaeus! You Come Down! For I'm going to your house today! Yes, I'm going to your house today!”
This little ditty that I learned in Bible School when I was young led me to an interesting story in Luke about a short man who was a rich and corrupt tax collector who after seeing the lord, entertained him at his home and learned about the power of giving and was never the same again.
The story is as simple as in the beginning, there was a tax man who was rich and hated. Jesus came into town and Zacchaeus climbed a tree to see him.
The rising action was Jesus seeing him in the tree and calling him down to tea. The people seeing this were upset because Zacchaeus was a sinner and watched his townspeople suffer while he was rich.
The end was Zacchaeus giving up his riches to the poor in the name of the lord and changing his ways.
The moral being that all people are to be given the chance to come to the lord and not hated, we can all change.
It is a cute little story that is very self explanatory and doesn't need to be altered.